
A little long winded.....

A mighty fine coop thanks to the Lafave.

Yes, the Lafave. 

Plural.  Said singular.

Henry is still working on this.  But the way he says it; it’s like he already knows.  That the Lafaves are combined into one astonishing/chaotic cosmic event that mimics the white dwarf going Supernova. 

Anyway, the Lafave (Tiki, Alec, Ian and friend Kyle) came up and mucked out the coop today.  It was dreary, cold and rainy.  Unfortunately I was stuck inside with a sick Liam, while Emily was out grocery shopping – amazing how that worked.

Regardless of the weather, every time I looked out, the boys seemed to have a smile on their faces.  It wasn’t nearly as big as mine as the ladies’ coop was getting mucked out for us, but they couldn’t see inside like I could outside.

Anyway, after about 2 hours and about 15 trips to the garden with the lawn tractor and wagon, the coop looked as clean as it did when I first put it together. 

Way to go the Lafaves, err Lafave, well whatever.  The Co-Op and the Ladies thank you!

May 1st
Another big Egg Co-Op thanks goes out to Matt (Squid), Tom (Egghead), Jon (Jon) and Holly; who by the way was our official work crew supervisor for the fence build day.

I can’t thank you guys enough for coming up and helping me with that.  It would have taken forever without your help.

For those of you who missed it, the fence build took about 4 hours with a little beer and white chicken chili thrown in for good measure.  And thanks Tom for bringing your delicious, thirst satisfying home-brew. 

There were only a few minor issues.

One, getting the fence square.  This was resolved in the typical Ensley Township fashion when the diagonal lines for the corners just didn’t add up.  A motion, second, and virtually no discussion took place when the men said, “Screw it.  This thing is getting the eyeball square test.”  Man, did that work out great.  The only problem is, now the fence is more square than anything on my property…
Two, Squid got cut.  It was minor.  To the arm by the fence.  AMR and GRFD were disregarded, but later recalled to the scene for the drunk in the front yard.  P.S.:  There was no drunk in the front yard, but only because we ran out of beer.
Three, Henry buried my measuring tape.  Luckily Jon was on the ball, and observed my little rap-scallion burying it.   Good thing too, because it was just about out of sight.  Good eye on that Jon.

So the only thing that needs to be done yet is to build the door for the fence.  I will get this completed when I have my upcoming time off in May.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, the fence is just there so the birds can go out and play in the fresh air when I’m not there or when we are there for only part of the day.  On my days off, the ladies will be the free range, pastured, organic Ladies we still love and admire – well, at least for their eggs.  And their meat when they stop laying. 

Thanks again for the help guys!

May 7th

Plant Day!
Man, is that coming up quick.  

Saturday, May 28th, 2011.  1PM.  The Blue Farmhouse with a perfectly square chicken fence.

Rain date will be Sunday, May 29th.  Same time.

If you can’t make it on one or either of these days, I know that it’s Memorial weekend, then get a hold of me and we’ll have you come up sometime the week after and plant some stuff.

Emily and I will provide Dogs, Burgers, soda and water.  If you could, please provide a dish to pass.  I think Tom is planning on bring some more of his home brew, so lock up the kids, because the Belgium Triple always does me in.

Feel free to bring the kids; you can stay as long as the bon-fire lasts.  Even longer, so long as you’re gone by the time I wake up the next afternoon.  I put this in here so Emily knows that she has to get up with the kids the next day.

Bring work clothes – for Patrick this will be a button up oxford shirt and dress slacks.  Yes, I just said slacks.

If you have them, bring a hand trowel for planting.
I am actually off from May 18th to May 31st, so if you have any questions, send me an e-mail or call me.

Other Garden Stuff
Also a big welcome to Jay and Ashley, our new Garden Co-Opers this year.  For you GRPD types, they are friends of Erin, Amy and Emily.  They do not know the initiation rites yet, so let’s keep that on the Q/T until they get up there.

Because of the way we split the shares this year, we will still have 7 family shares, however, several of the family shares have been split into single shares.  A family share is 4 hours of work per month, a single share is two hours per month with half the produce of the family share.

I will get out the sign up sheets in the next week or so, so you can begin planning ahead.  Also, please bring a check with you to Plant Day so we can get the money thing figured out.  I assume it will be between $40 and $45 for a family share this year and half that for a single share.

And since Emily has posted this to the blog, maybe everyone can post what they want to bring for a side and we can get it figured out that way.

Lafave(s) and Garcias, you guys are also invited since you are in the Egg Co-Op.  Your mission that day will be to count all the feathers on the Ladies and let us know how many there are.

Thanks all,

1 comment:

  1. I will be bringing (Duke's) potato salad! Can't wait!
