
Falling Back......


Sorry about the delay with this, since it’s been about a month since the last post.

The ladies are starting to pick up their production a bit and we’re averaging about 16-18 eggs a day.

We are just under 4,300 eggs.  I don’t think we’ll hit the 5,000 mark for a year – the first egg was laid Oct 22, 2010 – but we’ll be damn close.  Not bad considering the great Chicken theft of 2010.

Before the last re-up we were down to $3.15 for a dozen.  I assume by the next re-up we will be down below that $3 mark that has of yet eluded us.

The next re-up (I’m not sure when that will be) I’ll probably ask for $30 or $35 dollars.  This is because it is easier for me to get a bunch of layer mash (what they call chicken food) and stock up before the snow flies.

Also, if we want to continue this egg-op, next spring we should order another 10 or so birds.  This will continue every year for now on to replace loss of ladies and the ladies that stop producing. 

And on that note, I need a vote on this since all shares are equal.  We won’t have to do it for a while yet, but there are 3 options on the ladies that stop laying;

1)      Allow them to live out their existence in perpetuity at the Blue Farmhouse.
2)      Have the Amish butcher them at a cost of about $3 per bird.  We wouldn’t do this until we have 9 ladies that have stopped laying, however.
3)      Butcher them ourselves.  No cost to us other than the gas to get up here.  The only shares that would receive birds would be the shares that help out on ‘Butcher Day’.

Think about it and let me know.  I am all for the 3rd option so long as I get help with it all.  It’s a messy process, but would go quickly with even just 5 or 6 people.  And you may think I’m cruel, but there is something to be said for knowing where your meat comes from and where it’s been.


The garden is finally weed free.  Too bad the frosts we had about 3 weeks ago killed just about everything off.

If you haven’t heard about the corn, it was destroyed by raccoons when the Dejongs left for a little vacation for a few days.  In fact, the Dejongs got about 8 ears of corn out of everything they planted.  Amazingly enough, ours we planted was never touched by any animal and was distributed evenly.  We’ll have to decide if it was worth doing a separate corn garden next year.

Pumpkins – I counted 24.  That allows for 2 per family share and 1 per single share.  I need to know;
1)      Do you want your pumpkin/s?  And,
2)      Do you want me to deliver them or do you want to come up and get them?

Please let me know so I can plan accordingly.  I will distribute unclaimed pumpkins to the shares that want them.

The only thing left out there is Brussel Sprouts, Horseradish and the second planting of Peas.  The Brussel Sprouts are usually not harvested until after several hard frosts (I would assume in the next 2 to 3 weeks).

The peas, if they don’t die before it gets real cold, will go to the Hartman’s, Smagacz’s and Holly.  All three of those shares were short one bag this year – because our garden sucked.

The Horseradish (if this is okay with everyone) - I plan on replanting all of the roots for next year so we can develop a larger Horseradish garden.  I would say that we could buy more roots next year, but at $12 for 10 roots, I figured this replanting would be a heck of a lot cheaper.

If this doesn’t work for you, please let me know.

Also, I still have many produce bags.  If you want your’s back let me know.  If not, I will keep them for next year.

Finally, we do plan on doing a garden next year.  I hope you will join us.  We had to purchase extra supplies this year, and have stuff left over, so it should be a little cheaper next year if you want to do it.  Also, let me know if you want to plant something next year that we didn’t do this year.  Now is the time to let me know since it is still fresh in your mind.

If I planned our dates off right, Plant Day will be on May 26, 2012 – the Saturday of Memorial Weekend.

I want to thank everyone for your work this year…I know it’s a pain to get up here and I appreciate your support, especially with a par (or sub-par) year.

Later all,