
Spring 2011 Housekeeping

"Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity."  ~Lindley Karstens, noproblemgarden.com

We are now gearing up for our 2011 Blue Farmhouse Garden & Egg Co-op season.  Thanks for all your hard work in the 2010 season and we are looking forward to an even better 2011!  Below is some food for thought for the upcoming season:

+ EGG CO-OP Only:  The ladies will need a fence in April.  There are 3 options that co-opers can chose from.  1.  Fence Building day on Saturday April 30 (rain date Sunday May 1)  2. We will have 2 opportunities to muck out the coop this summer.  This is a 2-3 hour job.  3.  Contribute an extra $25 to the feed fund. 

+ Family Share vs. Single Share:  We have a couple of shareholders who may benefit from a single share option.  A single single share would be ½ the cost, ½ the produce and ½ the man hours of our traditional full family share ($40-ish/4hrs per month).  If interested, let us know.
+ We have the capacity for 8 full family shares in the co operative.  If all shares were identical to last year, this leaves us with one open share. This share will be given out on a first come first serve basis.
+ As in years past, a calendar will be sent in April/May  for weeding week sign ups.  Emily will be sending an email this week asking for suggestions on crops that you would like to add or take out from the garden.  We need to place our seed order next month in order to get a discount from the nursery.

+ Added this year, will be a MAN garden.  This area will be comprised of all hot peppers and veggies that only men would enjoy.  Chiles, jalapenos, hot banana peppers.  This MAN garden will be separate from the other more flowery peppers so that the hots aren’t mixed with the mild.  The man garden is optional.  If you don't want hot peppers you may opt out. 
+ Share money is due on Plant Day .  Please don’t forget to bring a check/cash with you.  Plan on around $45 (probably less) for a family share and $25ish for a single share.  Plant day will be Saturday May 28 with rain date of Sunday.  If you can't make it either of those days notify Emily and you can come up a week before or a week after.
+ This season, we are going to ask that on the Monday that your weeding week begins, you let us know what day and time you plan to come up.  First, this will ensure clear directions are left for the co-oper or that Hoss is there to help you.  Second, that the harvests are timed accordingly so the crops don't spoil on the vine.  Emily will send an email Sunday to remind the co-opers that it is their week to weed/harvest.  Please reply and let her know the day and time you plan to come up. Emily has been nominated (self nominated) the new recording secretary of the co-op.  Most communication will be coming from here via blog and email.

+ All GRPD harvests will be put in the Fulton level fridge.  If you don't need, want or can't get to your share (vacation etc), please notify us.
+ Is there anything we could do, from a communication standpoint, that would help you in regards to weeding instructions, harvesting, produce distribution etc.?  Please use this as an opportunity to give any general suggestions on the co-op.  Send Emily an email back with any thoughts or comment directly on this post. 

Thanks - and looking forward to great 2011 season!


The Ladies - A Winter Update


As of yesterday we have collected 1,474 eggs. 

No wonder Chickens only lay for about three years, because if it was me, I’d be done already.  I mean seriously, that’s an average of almost 51 eggs per Chicken in just under four months (and most of them have come in just the past three months).  This 1,474 number also doesn’t include the eggs that are already cracked, which seem to be about three or four a day in this weather.  Not all of the eggs are getting sat on, so they freeze in the nest box and then crack.

That gets us to an average of .34 cents an egg and $4.03 per dozen.  We are almost to that break-even point of $3.75.

The bad news is, the ladies (and two fellas) have really gone through the food this winter.  I can’t blame them; it’s really about the only way they can build fat to stay warm.  I had hoped the last re-up would get us until 1st of March.  That has not happened and we are now due for another re-up.

The good news is that darn Woodchuck in PA predicted an early spring.  Then again, it also snowed 16 inches on that day, so I’m pretty sure he was drunk that day and may have slipped on some sushi.  If you don’t know the story yet for the non-GRPD people, remind me to tell you sometime…it’s a good one huh Tom? 

Anyway, an early spring means less food we have to use because I can let them out again, which we can’t do in the snow because their feet will freeze.

So another $25 when you can get it to me please.  I am at work all this weekend for the GRPD people and for the others, you can get it to Emily sometime soon.  This next re-up will get us below the break-even point by the time we need to re-up again, which I hope won’t be until May.

Speaking of May, if you’re in the Gro-Op, Emily has been working on a blog for it.  It should be done soon.  Once it’s done, we’ll send out a message to everyone to see who wants to do it again this year.